No doubt current times are taking their toll on our physical and mental being lately with the worldwide pandemic facing us 24/7 in our daily lives and creating fear, loneliness and unhealthy thoughts and bad habits. But this is not a time to just be reclusive, staying at home and just eating away our sorrows and avoid all the external problems outside. Staying healthy and boost your immune system in times of crises will help your internal systems and build your immunity from diseases. I’ve been doing a lot of research on the best ways to build up your immunity by various methods and these are the best suggestions for staying healthy, fit and ward off any potential diseases.
How to Stay healthy & boost your immune system
Here are some fantastic suggestions for keeping healthy, busy mind, body and spirit and boosting our immune system from your home.

Keep your Sleeping schedule
Take plenty of naps and keep to a regular sleeping schedule to rest and reboot with less stress and more t cells in the system which boosts your immune systems and keeps colds and flus away. Keeping a regular sleeping schedule helps tremendously and here’s how you can do that effectively.

Stay active and exercise at home
Keeping fit and active not only keeps your blood cells and antibodies to circulate quickly internally but also reduces stress hormones and your chances of getting sick. Once way of boosting your immune system is exercising and doing a simple workout routine at home or even just outside your home to maximize an exercise routine that works at home. A regular work out program helps with cardiovascular health, lowers weight, blood pressure and protects against a variety of diseases.
Check out this easy ten minute workout you can do at home

Watch your diet and eating healthy
A large part of boosting your immune system and staying healthy is through dieting and what you eat. A healthy gut and internals are vital at making your system stronger to fight of illnesses. Stick to a diet rich in fruits, veggies, healthy fats and whole grains, and using less meats, processed and fried foods in your system. Check out these 15 foods that really boosts your immune systems and keeping it healthy. Other healthy foods to incorporate into your diet includes fermented foods, Sour kraut, yogurt and miso which builds up healthy bacteria in your gut and internal systems.

Get outdoors and Vitamin D
If you can enjoy some outdoor time and activity and combine that with exercise you would be helping to boost your immune system. You can do simple walks in open areas and even more rigorous exercise to include yoga, Pilates, cardio workouts that you can follow on You Tube or online websites that combine some type of physical activity. Being outdoors can also just include gardening and getting your hands into the soil, playing with your pets outdoors and any excuse you can do to enjoy some time in the sun, now that that weather is getting better with spring and summer allowing for more time outdoors. Check out this post on how much time you need to spend outdoors to reap the benefits of Vitamin D for more inspiration and tips.
Here’s a video overview of getting outdoors and getting your Vitamin D on

Get lots of greens in your system
Putting more healthy greens into your diet definitely helps in boosting your immune system and helping with keeping your body healthy. Nutrient rich greens like kale, collard greens, moringa and spinach are filled with anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins that boost your systems and helps in preventing diseases. You can check out these powerful leafy greens here for incorporating into your daily diet.
Check out this video on the 10 healthiest leafy greens to add to your meals

Sex to boost your immune system
Yes you heard that right, sex does wonders in building your immune system creating immune molecules called immunoglobulin A (IgA) that helps protect us from common colds and flu. Having sex once or twice weekly increases immunoglobulin A into the system.

Hanging out with the pets
Take your dog on a walk or spend more time playing with the actually decreases cholesterol levels and lowering triglycerides which are all good for your internal systems, heart health and reduce heart disease. Pets help in relieving stress and lets you focus on the now and attention of your loving animals.
This is cool video on health benefits having a dog in your life

Avoid stress
Try to maintain a regular routine and patterns to avoid changes and stress to your own system. Best things to do include all of the above suggestions in a combination that you can manage or do a bit at a time. Spending some quiet time, meditating, doing a hobby or even enjoying a favorite movie will put you in a more relaxed and calm state and taking time daily to do this can help to relieve anxiety and stress levels that we all tend to get at all times of the day.
Take steps to avoiding infection
Learning to be aware of your environment and daily choirs and events and things we can do to minimize any exposure to germs and virus is something that should start implementing. This includes basic hygiene like cleaning your hands with soap, washing your fruits and vegetables, getting your annual flu shot. Also keeping your own environment clean to include Disinfecting regularly used kitchen utensils, countertops, cutting boards and even food storage areas. You should create a habit of keeping your cool foods cold, thawing frozen foods in the refrigerator or sink and separating utensils and plates for raw and cooked foods.
Here’s a video on basic protection on infection prevention

Avoid smoking or excessive alcohol drinking
Probably a given in terms of our keeping our habits in check with staying healthy and having a strong immune system is to avoiding smoking and drinking or at least keeping these to a minimum. Both of these can affect your immune system. Both of these habits do interfere with the growth and care of your immune cells like T, B and cytokines according to this 2016 review on Oncotarget and the NIH.
Check out these other popular lifestyle topics below
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You have assembled quite a list of ways for us to stay healthy and boost our immune systems. This is so timely considering all that is taking place in the world these days. Thanks for sharing these tips with us.
This is definitely a timely post on staying healthy and boosting your immune system especially during covid times.
That’s what we have to do all the time but more so now. Just can’t get more of the sun because I have been stuck inside trying to finish my second book! Just quick trips to the porch.
Good for you and staying healthy while boosting your immmune systems, glad you do most of these in your daily lives